You're in! 🎉

This text reminds them where they can find the link to access the webinar i.e. "Your FREE training is on its way to your inbox."

(optional) Mention where you want them to go if not that link to get better primed to convert. i.e. 

In the meantime, you can get started right away with the instant replay link below or scroll down for 60 second info videos!

Access The Free Training Replay HERE!


Before you hop into the link waiting in your inbox 💌 Choose your own burning thought [your topic] question with a reminder you needed.

"Mention Main Question or Objection #1" ➡️
"Mention Objection or Situational Question #2"  ⬅️

Before you hop into the custom link waiting in your inbox 💌 Choose your own burning thought rental question with a >60 second for reminder you needed.

1️⃣ "I'm worried that now isn’t the right time to start investing in real estate."


2️⃣ "I'm scared to get started because I'm not sure if it’ll work out?" 


3️⃣ "I'm stuck in analysis paralysis, unable to take the first step in my investment journey." 


Now that you've helped them address their fears of joining in a non-salesy way before watching they're more open minded to you and your program.


You can use copy to mention to now "Head to your inbox and grab your link or scroll above for the Instant Replay Link."

(optional) For more credibility showcase 2-3 screenshots praising you or your program.

i.e. "Want proof of how life-changing this training can be? Check out what students have been able to create with my framework!"