How to Plan Ads for a Launch - What You Don’t Know | Episode 80

Episode #80

Do you have an upcoming launch that you’d love to sell out? 


In this free 15 minute training,  I share the strategies I use with ads to promote a client’s upcoming launch! The pre-lauch ads are an essential element to the overall success of any launch. As an ads manager, I know how difficult it can be to successfully plan out when to share ads as well as what to say. This episode goes over everything you don't know...


If you enjoy this episode and it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway. Take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me, @iamdanielleklemm.

I want to invite you to get featured on this podcast by submitting a question for Danielle to answer. All you have to do is go to and write a question that could be featured on an upcoming episode!


In the episode you’ll hear: 


  • Why it’s essential to talk to your audience about your upcoming launch rather than talk at them.


  • How ‘runway time’ can make or break you... 


  • The most important marketing element you should steal from Hollywood...



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