What I'm Doing: Behind the Scenes Edition | Episode 120
In this week’s episode, I share what has been going on behind the curtain and as a business owner, how to navigate your strategies while supporting the BLM movement.
In the episode you’ll hear:
- Why taking a stance and being accountable to yourself and your business is important.
- My recommendation for a successful evergreen webinar or course which includes market research.
- How follow-ups with past clients and past prospects can be valuable to grow your business.
Well That Escalated Quickly by Franchesca Ramsey
Lattice Hudson (https://www.instagram.com/latticehudson/)
Hope you all enjoyed it, and make sure to get your hands on the FREE Audience Growth Ad Experiment guide where I tested Facebook/Instagram Ads vs Pinterest Ads vs Linkedin Ads on what would happen when you put in $200+; which ad platform would have the HIGHEST result with the lowest COST? aka the most bang for your buck. Head over to this link to get instant access:
Want to keep up in between shows? Let's chat! over at: