How to Create Social Media Connections that Lead to Sales with Melissa Lin | Episode 123
In this week’s episode, we have on Melissa Lin, who is a business coach and podcast host of The Fierce Business Babe who helps driven women launch and scale multiple six-figure business.
In the episode you’ll hear:
- Melissa’s start as an engineer and how working 60+hours led her to business coaching.
- How to leverage your online business by shifting your content and sales strategy.
- Learn the skills to master on how to attract the ideal six-figure clients.
- The best practices to restructure your program especially during pandemic.
Connect with Melissa here:
Hope you all enjoyed it, and make sure to get your hands on the FREE Audience Growth Ad Experiment guide where I tested Facebook/Instagram Ads vs Pinterest Ads vs Linkedin Ads on what would happen when you put in $200+; which ad platform would have the HIGHEST result with the lowest COST? aka the most bang for your buck. Head over to this link to get instant access:
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