Over-Complicated Sales Diagnosis: Which 3 Are Effecting Your Bottomline | Episode 130

6 days left in the month, are you overcomplicating your next 3 sales? Let's find out!   I know for me whenever I go into sales, that I can sometimes get in my own way and that means leading to so many other areas being dropped. In this week's episode, I talk about the 3 ways that the over-complication of sales can lead to a lack of sales.  
  • The first one's the act of OVERTHINKING. Because when you overthink, you're not in the energy and the mind that you need to be to attract people into your offer. I used to be like this couple of years ago and I realized my most profitable offers are those that required the least amount of effort.


  • And then there's also the act of OVERDOING, where you get too focused on the "doing" and not enough on the actual "being" and changing what needs to be changed. This comes up by constantly finding something to do in the fear of missing out, like immediately diving into a Pinterest course, or impulsively buying something that you think would help you.


  • The last one which is the most VITAL to keeping your sales on track.... I'll let you find out in this episode! I also shared some tips on how you can stop overcomplicating and start scaling!
Hope you found it insightful and If you want to learn even more, make sure you go in to https://www.facebook.com/groups/highconvertingceo/ where I'll be sharing everything that you'll need to scale your business or make epic sales.

Want to keep up in between shows? Let's chat! over at:




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